About Us » School Profile

School Profile

Our School Profile
Valencia Academy of the Arts is located in the heart of Pico Rivera and is one of the El Rancho Unified School District’s eight elementary schools. Our enrollment is approximately 450 students with seventeen regular education classrooms, one special day class, and a state pre-school program. Our population includes English Language Learners, GATE students, and students with disabilities. We are a school-wide Title I school. 

Everyone associated with Valencia is immensely proud of our school. Valencia is an enchanting place that centers on its students. Our school has continued to work on site beautification and modernization projects.  Playgrounds have been upgraded, and all school restroom facilities and administrative building have been renovated. Our student cafeteria was recently painted and new flooring installed. Valencia has an extensive library media center that houses books for the school program, Accelerated Reader, as well as a state of the art Mac Lab. In the summer of 2016, our drop-off zone on our service road was widened to decrease traffic and bottlenecks.
We pride ourselves in providing art instruction to ALL students.  We have instrumental/vocal music instruction every day, along with visual arts instruction.  We have formed a partnership with the prestigious Los Angeles Music Center to provide professional development for our teachers in arts integration.  In addition, the Music Center provides arts instruction through artists in residence program. 
Students receive 54,088 instructional minutes in each school year.  Modified days are scheduled every Wednesday for on-going teacher professional development.